

Factors produce and Eject Breast milk and reflexes .

The process of breast feeding is controlled by hormone and reflexes that regulate and control the breast feeding process .

Factors increasing the production of the breast milk :

1- Prolactin: is hormone from the anterior pituitary having receptors in the glands of the breast stimulates the production of milk 

2- Breast evacuation : stimulates the receptors for milk production , when the baby evacuates the mother's breast .

Factors that control the ejection of milk :

1- oxytocin : from the posterior pituitary helps in ejection process 

 2- Suckling reflex : which may be psychological factor and also reflex at the same time , but it is proved it is the main factor that triggers milk ejection .

Let Down reflex :

Responsible for releasing of the milk in response to oxytocin.

Factors stimulating is : - Hearing the baby cry and thinking of the act 

                                     - Suckling reflex 

Factors that inhibit it is : fatigue , anxiety and stress .

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