

Saturday, April 14, 2012

When and how to begin weaning ? and what types of food to introduce in weaning ?, How to start weaning ?

When and how to begin weaning ? 

The age of 4-6 months is ideal to begin weaning as :

1- iron stores of the baby become depleted at this age 

2- Caloric intake of breast milk alone is not sufficient . 

3- Digestive enzymes of the baby become mature

4- The baby is ready for the weaning . 


How we know that the baby is ready for weaning ? 

1- The baby can support his head and neck while feeding and can bring his hand to his mouth . 

2- Loss of extrusion reflex : Reflex of refusing any food through the food . 

3- The baby is asking for other food , by looking or demanding . 

4- The baby cries a lot indicating hunger so the breast milk is not sufficient .


General rules in starting weaning .

1- Gradual introduction of new types of food . 

2- Time interval between the new food introduced to the baby should be about 2 weeks . 

3- Mother should start weaning before the milk feeds . 

4- Mother should introduce the food through spoon and in an interesting and attractive way . 

5- If the baby refuse any type of food , mother can replace it with other type of food and introduce it weeks later . 

6- Avoid food allergen especially in the first year as cow's milk 

7- Avoid spices and extra salt in the food 

8- Avoid choking food as peanuts and do not leave the baby alone during feeding . 

9- Mother should not introduce large amount of breast feeding and formulas . 

10- Do not introduce large amount of fruit juice as it causes obesity .

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