

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What is puberty

3 main events in puberty
Puberty is a period of life in which there is morphologlical and physiological changes in males and females in this period males and females is shifted to an adult stage from an infantile stage .
Age of onset of puberty :
Age of onset varies according to nutrition , socioeconomic status , racial and genetic
factors . The average start in the puberty phase is :
Males : 9-14 years
Females : 8-13 years
Principle manifestation of puberty :
1-          The adolescent growth spurt
2-          Development of gonads
3-          Development of secondary sexual characters .
Rating of sexual maturity :
Rating of sexual maturity is rated according to main features that detect the degree of development in puberty in males and females .
In males :
The 2 factors are :
-       Size of testicles ( measured by orchidometer and penis size
-       Pubic hair
In females
-       Pubic hair
-       Breast development
-       Axillary hair  

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