

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Causes for tall stature and obesity

Tall stature and obesity
What is tall stature ?
Tall stature is accurately estimated by growth curves , in growth curve tall stature is above 95th percentile .
What are the causes of tall stature ?
There are 2 types of tall stature to be considered proportionate and disproportionate .
Proportionate tall stature is mainly

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What is precocious puberty ?

Precocious puberty
Definition : Puberty at an age earlier than 8 years in females and 9 years in males .
There are 2 types of precocious puberty , true precocious puberty and pseudo precocious puberty .
True precocious puberty :

What is puberty

3 main events in puberty
Puberty is a period of life in which there is morphologlical and physiological changes in males and females in this period males and females is shifted to an adult stage from an infantile stage .
Age of onset of puberty :
Age of onset varies according to nutrition , socioeconomic status , racial and genetic

Causes of small head in babies .

Causes of small head in children (Microcephaly )
Causes of microcephaly is related closely to mental retardation , as in mental retardation the brain is not growing well and this leads to small head microcephaly .
A-        Genetic causes

1- Autosomal dominant

2- Autosomal recessive

3- Syndromes like Down Syndrome – Edwards Syndrome – cri du chat syndrome .

What is delayed puberty causes ?

Delayed puberty
What is delayed puberty ?
The puberty is delayed when the puberty is delayed to 13 years in females and 14 years in males .