

Program of Brest feeding ( onset , pattern , duration ), clostrum and mature milk

There are certain important tips to achieve good and effective breast feeding 

Onset : 

Breast feeding should start from the first day as early as possible , immediate after delivery the baby must be given to the mother for breast feeding . 

Pattern :

The concept which must e respected here is that breast feeding is related to demand , once the baby demanded the mother should reply , average times per day is 8-10 times per day . Scheduling feeding is not preferred ( feeding on regular intervals ) , as it affects the flow of the milk. 

Duration of breast feeding :

An infant less than 6 months should be exclusively beast fed ( only breast milk ) . Starting from the 6 month weening should start with completion of breast feeding for 1 year or more . 

Stages of lactation ( composition of breast milk and stages of its production) 

1-Colostrum : it is the earliest milk from the mother which is about 60 ml/day these amount is low but no other formulas or extras should be given. Colostrum is secreted in the first 2-3 days high in proteins and immunoglobulins and lower in fat and carbohydrates .

2- Transition milk : it starts 5-7 days after delivery ( after colostrum ) , and continues for about 2 weeks and it is midway between the clostrum and the mature milk . 

3- Mature milk : is the milk after the previous 2 stages and contains 87% water to meet the needs of the baby .  

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