

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What is precocious puberty ?

Precocious puberty
Definition : Puberty at an age earlier than 8 years in females and 9 years in males .
There are 2 types of precocious puberty , true precocious puberty and pseudo precocious puberty .
True precocious puberty :

True means that the cause  is :
-       Related to the gonadotrophin releasing hormone secreted  from the hypothalamus 
-       Involves both secondary sexual character development and increase in the size and the activity of the gonads
What are the causes of precocious puberty in males and females ?

       1-Idipathic ( no definite cause ) : especially for girls is the commonest cause .     2-  Secondary ( girls and boys ) as organic brain lesions e.g. brain tumor and hydrocephalus or trauma and radiotheraby .
In this cases the hypothalamus is secreted in a large amount leading to true precocious puberty as stated above .
But what is the pseudo precocious  puberty ?
The condition here is different , there is no increased secretion in the hypothalamus and it involves the secondary sexual characters only and not the size and activity in the gonads .
What are the causes of precocious puberty ?
The cause here is feminization in girls or virilization in males . This may be due to abnormal secretion in the adrenal gland or increased estrogen in females .

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