

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What is delayed puberty causes ?

Delayed puberty
What is delayed puberty ?
The puberty is delayed when the puberty is delayed to 13 years in females and 14 years in males .

What are the causes of the delayed puberty ?
Puberty is a coordination between hormonal factors which lead to start of the phase of the puberty .
This may be :
1-          Low gonadrophin hormones (F.S.H and L.H. ) and low steroids . This occurs in the cases of Kallman syndrome , CNS radiation or lesion in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland .
2-          In other cases the gonodatrophin hormone may be normal ( in females it is F.S.H and L.H. ) but the steroids like estrogen and progesterone in females is low  and this occurs in Turner syndrome or Klinefelter syndrome .
Constitutional delay of growth and puberty , may be the delay is generalized not only the sexua development , here the delay in the sexual development is a part of a constitutional delay .

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